Monday, February 1, 2010

DISCLAIMER! I'm not sure how this entry is going to turn out. Futhermore, this is only my experience. Don't read this as "I'm the only one who has dealt with it."

In my quest to figure out where I fit into God's world, I'm realizing more and more that I don't fit.

My actions - even with the best of intentions - are not recognized. And I'm beginning to be ok with that. Its an ever-present reminder that God demands my full allegience, that nothing else matters. He decides where to go from there, not me.

This makes for a confusing journey sometimes. Maybe I just make it confusing; I've been known to do that. ..

When I step out of the safe world of my apartment, I need to let go. I am not in control. Very few 'recognize' me. Few people look at me and think, "Now there's someone who I can have an intelligent conversation with." Who knows - I probably wouldn't even have an intelligent conversation with me if I weren't me!?!

I love to have fun. Lots of people know this. I love to joke. This causes me to consider what I show others? How do I appear? And is that portrayal accurate?

Well, yes, in some sense. Having a good time is a part of who I am. But its not all of who I am.

Surely, the way to draw people in is NOT by saying, "Now, let's be authentic, here!" That's a real ice-breaker! And besides, I'd likely be seen as 'cute' rather then 'wierd'. Ok, ok, both!!


The journey continues . . .

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