Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Stumbling in the Dark

The clock on my dresser, stacked with laundry I still have yet to put in it's respective drawers, says 2:30 am. Actually, the time is 1:30 - I haven't gotten around - even after two months - to changing the time on it.

I'm thirsty. I hate when this happens; I'm so warm and cozy in my cocoon of blankets. Now I have to get out of bed. I sit up and wait a few second for my body to be lucid. I make my way out of the bedroom, past the couch and into the kitchen, only walking into one object - a good night for me.

I grab a cup from the cupboard and fill it full with water. My shaky hands lift the cup to the counter; the cup leaving a trail of spilled water behind it. I reach for a straw, place it in the cup, and bend forward to take a drink. As my mouth touches the straw, my eyes catch the light peering through the bottom of the door to my apartment.

The brightness is almost too much for my sleepy eyes. I jerk, turning my head.

But then, I'm reminded of the Eternal Light. How He shines into the darkest ares of my life.... This, both a comfort and conviction.

I turn back to the light coming from underneath that door and finish drinking my water.

Thank you, Lord, for quiet moments like these.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Born is the King.....

Advent is here. And I'm just now beginning to realize how meaningful these few weeks are. Crazy, really. For 27 years, I've been in church, singing advent songs, never really thinking about the significance of Advent.

I wonder what the Father was thinking as He anticipated this event, the birth of His son, Jesus. He knew Jesus was coming into a world that would reject him. The Father knew Jesus was coming into this world to ultimately die for the sins for mankind.

Oh, how the Father loves his children. Absolutely amazing....