Monday, September 5, 2011

We left our shoes by the bench and sat down on the edge of the dock. Being a water lover, I was tempted to put my feet in the water; if it weren't for the hundreds of little fish swimming around, I would've.

The 'almost-sweat-shirt' weather, along with the pure blue sky was a welcome sancturary for our weary souls.

Here, one by one, we shared the concerns and desires of our hearts - and prayed boldly to a God who hears. We prayed expecting God to come through...because that's what He wants of us.

So, here I sit at 1:40an counting on peace, counting on purpose, counting on restoration in His time.

But, for now, I'm thanful for my community, the people who remind me to press on.

1 comment:

Mrs. Barkel's Blog said...

"counting on peace, counting on purpose, counting on restoration in His time." So beautiful, Kelly. I will keep these words close to me . . . for both of us! :) Hugs and love . . .